Monday 16 November 2015

Research: The Importance Of Opening Titles

Firstly I watched the opening intro of the film 'SE7EN.' I have watched this in this in a website called 'Art Of The TITLE.' You can go to that website by CLINKING HERE.
In the photograph above you can see a picture where I have drawn a table, to see how many times a new title appears on the opening credits. You can see that on the left there's the time where each title appeared on the screen and on the right, you can see the titles that appeared on there as well.

Secondly I have decided to make some notes about the Typography which means the font styles, the colour of the fonts and also the position that appeared on the screen. Further more I have made some notes of the visual elements, where I had to turn the volume off and I had to describe what I saw in the opening credits. For example the characters and what they were doing visa versa.

Lastly I have written about the elements of sounds. For this I had to close my eyes and only listen to the sound of the opening of the film and make some notes about the music or sound I was able to hear. For example I talked about the tempo of the music and if it was a diegetic (is any sound that the character/characters can hear. For example screams, dialogues...) here in or non-diegetic sound (is any sound that the audience can hear but not the characters. For example the background music).

What I have learnt by doing this process is to identify different features in the opening film. For example the sounds that works better for a horror film and the different types of fonts to make it look scarier. I have also developed my skill in individualising separated features of the opening credits.

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