Wednesday 25 November 2015

Planning : From Initial Ideas To A 60 Second Pitch

Firstly I have researched about everything to do with teenage horror films. For example, the importance of sounds and the importance of opening titles and other things as well. Now that we have done all of this, we did a mid map for our initial ideas, where we wrote different types of ideas that we had for our horror film.
I the picture above, you can see a picture of us, where we have been discussing what the film was going to be about.

You can see here a picture of our mind-map for our initial ideas. After we finished this we had to choose only one idea for our horror film.

Lastly, we discussed our idea even further of what was going to happened in the film and the characters name and we also wrote the things that we were going to include in our 60 second pitch, as that's the last thing we did.
For our 60 second pitch, we had to say brief descriptions of what our film was about, we also had to came up for a title for our horror film (Game Over) and our production name, which is 'New Dismo.'

Our 60 second pitch can be found in the video bellow, starting at 3:40.

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