Wednesday 30 September 2015

Planning: Mise-En-Scene: Location Planning

Our first shot of our storyboard is an establishing shot of the school. we have chosen to do it in this school because its not far away and we can get access to it really easily, it will also be suitable for the scene because it will clearly show for context that the following scene will take place in the building.

Our second shot of our storyboard it's a long shot of the food technology corridor.
We have taken this shot to show that Henry is on his way to the food technology room.
This shot it's suitable as it is in school and so the audience can see that he is on his way to the technology room.

The final shot that we took is in the food technology room. This room it's the most important one as everything will happen here and we'll use different types of camera angles, movements and shots.
We have chosen this room because it is in our storyboard and because we've got one in our school so we can access to it easily, this will also be suitable as there's ovens in the room which the audience will clearly see that and it will also be more believable. 

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