Monday 14 September 2015

Me As A Consumer Of The Media

The Media relationship I have chose was Films, I have chosen this because I love watching films, specially in cinemas but I go there very often as it is a bit expensive, so instead I watch it on DVD's which it's more cheaper and I can also watch it whenever I want.

my favorite film is called 'The Last Song' this is a romantic film and it's more suitable for teenagers and family. The reason why I like it it's not because it's romantic it was because Miley Cyrus was acting in that film and after that I started watching it so may times no only because it was romantic but because it was really sad as well.
if you want to watch the trailer of 'The Last song'

I also like music as I always listen to it when I'm bored or when I'm drawing as it relaxes me and
makes me have more ideas of what I can draw, when I listen to the lyrics. I normally listen to music with my headphones for example classic songs like'kiss the rain' and 'Gabriel' by Yiruma, if you want to hear one of his songs CLICK HERE
 I also listen to music when I'm getting ready but this time I choose pop music because it lightens my day and makes me feel more happier.

Thirdly i would probably choose internet because I'm mostly every single day using the internet, whether is Facebook, google or YouTube. I go to YouTube and Facebook only when I'm bored and have nothing to do but I mostly use Google for my homework or if I'm trying to find out something that I'm curious about.
I use all of this mostly on my phone as I always carry my phone with me, wherever I go, whether is in school, outside while I'm walking or in my house.

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