Wednesday 30 September 2015

Planning: Mise-En-Scene: Casting

Henry (age 16) is a sixth former.Henry its tall and he is also likes to play football. he can also be rude and arrogant. Henry will played as George. We have chose him as he is not shy but he's confident and he has the same age as the character.

 Rob (age 12) he is a year 7 student. he is  he is shy and not very social. His hobby is playing video games in his free time.
Rob will be played by James. James is suitable for this role as he has the same age as Rob and he is also a bit shy.

Planning: Mise-En-Scene: Location Planning

Our first shot of our storyboard is an establishing shot of the school. we have chosen to do it in this school because its not far away and we can get access to it really easily, it will also be suitable for the scene because it will clearly show for context that the following scene will take place in the building.

Our second shot of our storyboard it's a long shot of the food technology corridor.
We have taken this shot to show that Henry is on his way to the food technology room.
This shot it's suitable as it is in school and so the audience can see that he is on his way to the technology room.

The final shot that we took is in the food technology room. This room it's the most important one as everything will happen here and we'll use different types of camera angles, movements and shots.
We have chosen this room because it is in our storyboard and because we've got one in our school so we can access to it easily, this will also be suitable as there's ovens in the room which the audience will clearly see that and it will also be more believable. 

Monday 28 September 2015

Preliminary Task: Creating A Storyboard From Initial Ideas

In our group we have decided to make our story in school as it will be easier for us to film it, it will also include a student(Rob) and six former(Henry) where Henry goes to the food technology and sits down opposite Rob and he steals his carton of milk and the they will exchange some lines of dialogue. This scene would be set in the food technology.
for these footage we are using the 12 shot challenge where it helps us to use different types of angles, movements and shots.

In the lesson i have learned how to create a storyboard and the present it into a PowerPoint and post it in my blog and how to work in a group to come up with a story, i have also learned different types of camera angles,movements and shots.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Preliminary Task:First Ideas

Henry, 16, opens the door to the food tech room, walks in and sits opposite Rob, 11, and then steals his carton of milk. The theft of the milk is discussed through two lines of dialogue.

Monday 21 September 2015

OCR Guide To Basic Camera Movements

OCR Guide To Basic Camera Angles

OCR Guide To Basic Camera Shots

OCR Guide To The 180 Degree Rule

Foundation Portfolio:What Is It?

50% of your grade will be earned through your Foundation Portfolio. This consists of a preliminary task and a main task, the details of which can be found below.

The Preliminary Task is designed to illustrate the processes of pre-production, production and post-production that will be required, albeit in more detail, when you come to undertake the Main Task. The Preliminary Task is not marked but MUST be completed and submitted alongside the Main Task to the examiner. If it is not completed, marks are deducted from your Main Task.

The Main Task is marked out of 100. These marks are broken down as follows:

20 marks - Research into similar media products and planning of your own media product.
60 marks - Construction of your own media product including filiming and editing.
20 marks - Evaluation of your own media product.

All of your work must be posted to your blog as this will be accessed by the examiner in May of 2016.

For each of the criteria above, marks are available in 4 levels with level 4 being the highest. 

The progress thermometer below shows the key words for each level of the mark scheme.

This is what you have to do:

Preliminary Exercise
Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
Main Task
The titles and opening of a new teen horror film, to last a maximum of two minutes.
All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source. Both preliminary and main tasks must be completed as a group. Maximum four members to a group.

Friday 18 September 2015

Basic Camera Movements

Tracking In
Tracking Out
Tracking Sideways

Camera Shot

 Establishing Shot
 Long Shot
 Mid Shot
 Close Up
 Extreme Close Up
 Two Shot
 Point of View

 Over The Shoulder
 High Angle

Low Angle

Monday 14 September 2015

Me As A Consumer Of The Media

The Media relationship I have chose was Films, I have chosen this because I love watching films, specially in cinemas but I go there very often as it is a bit expensive, so instead I watch it on DVD's which it's more cheaper and I can also watch it whenever I want.

my favorite film is called 'The Last Song' this is a romantic film and it's more suitable for teenagers and family. The reason why I like it it's not because it's romantic it was because Miley Cyrus was acting in that film and after that I started watching it so may times no only because it was romantic but because it was really sad as well.
if you want to watch the trailer of 'The Last song'

I also like music as I always listen to it when I'm bored or when I'm drawing as it relaxes me and
makes me have more ideas of what I can draw, when I listen to the lyrics. I normally listen to music with my headphones for example classic songs like'kiss the rain' and 'Gabriel' by Yiruma, if you want to hear one of his songs CLICK HERE
 I also listen to music when I'm getting ready but this time I choose pop music because it lightens my day and makes me feel more happier.

Thirdly i would probably choose internet because I'm mostly every single day using the internet, whether is Facebook, google or YouTube. I go to YouTube and Facebook only when I'm bored and have nothing to do but I mostly use Google for my homework or if I'm trying to find out something that I'm curious about.
I use all of this mostly on my phone as I always carry my phone with me, wherever I go, whether is in school, outside while I'm walking or in my house.