Monday 25 January 2016

Planning - Location Planning

Location planning is very important before filming because once we have an idea of the locations that we want to film in, we can go to the locations to see whether those locations are suitable for filming the opening of our film. This post consists of the location of our film opening. We are filming in 2 locations. The picture below shows a part of the town. This is our first location. This is where the 3 friends are going to walk. They are going to find the map near one of the buildings. We chose this location because it is going to be dark at night and there is barely anyone. This would create a sense of danger and fear.

These pictures show Amanda's garage. In the film this is going to be shown as David's work space where he will create the map and the clues for the game. We are going to film his hands making the clues and the map in the garage. We think this location is suitable for David's work space because it is a big space and it already looks quite dark and mysterious when it's dark. We can make it look even scary by emptying the garage and pining some photos of the four friends and mark them with "X" marks to show the audience that they are the people on his list that he wants to kill. We could also  make it look untidy.

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