Thursday 28 January 2016

Planning Mise-en-Scene - costume and props


Planning the mise-en-scene for our film opening, helps us to organise the costume and the props that we need to buy and that are needed, to get the cast members ready before the filming. Planning this is important, as it provides evidence of us thinking about individual ideas that are needed for the film opening. This also makes it more professional and interesting, as the clothes suggest he characters' personalities.


David played by Natharn Wamala:

 He will wear an old dark jumper, with black trackies, black trainers and a white top underneath. When he is in town he will wear black jeans with the same black trainers and on top a black jacket. He will also be wearing a cap.

The reason why he is going to wear dark clothes is because he is the most mysterious character, as he is the killer. He also has to appear to be obsessed with his victims. To show that, we'll  locate a table in his mystery room, where he will be writing all the clues, creating the map and also crossing out out victims that he has already killed. On the table, there's going to be a lot of tools. For example, photos of his victims, pens, black tape, duck tape, scissors, blood, craft knife and metallic things...

Gabriella played by Emma Jeeves:

She will wear baggy jeans and a baggy black t-shirt, with trainers and red coat.

Emma will wear that because Gabriella is more like a tomboy and she prefers to hang out with boys. She also feels more comfortable and confident to be with them as she can be herself. That's why she does not wear any make-up and her hair is down and curly.

Michael played by Ashley Paddick:

He will wear colourful clothes, like a garnet jumper with light jeans and a pink t-shirt underneath.

Ashley will wear colourful clothes because he is a positive character and the one who makes their friendship more happier and energetic.


The garage will be untidy, with a lot of papers everywhere and equipments on the table. This is because the murderer collected newspapers articles of all the people he has killed in the past which is kept as a memory.


We need to use a small lamp because that will make the background darker and it will only focus on Natharn's hands.
The reason for this is because we want it to look mysterious and because the face will be anonymous. It will also create curiosity for the viewers.
We will also use the lamp as we want some parts to be darker because Natharn was meant to work in the dark,  so it can have more effect and it will also look  more scarier. We will use the lamp for some light, so the viewers can be able to watch what's happening as well.

We will use a round wooden table, where David will be creating the clues. For example, the map, the newspaper, duck tape, black marker etcetera.
 We will also stick some newspapers of the victims, as he is a psychopath.

There will also be newspaper reports created by us. Where we will research murdered teenagers in the woods and after that we will put a picture our friends. On the right side, there is already one article that we have started.  We made the title bold so it readable for the viewers.
The reason why we did this is, so the audience can find out more about him, and so they can know he murdered people before.

We will use red food colouring as it would look more real than fake blood. We will use this on Natharn's hands, which will suggests that he already murdered someone and that he is a murderer, which makes it more scarier for the audience, as it suggests that something bad is going to happen.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Planning - Casting


Gabriella is a teenager who is self-confident, she enjoys playing piano. Gabriella is not stereotypical teenage girl, she is quite opposite and she would rather spend her free time hanging out with friends. Gabriella's role will be played by Emma Jeeves. We think Emma is suitable for the role of Gabriella because she is confident in front of the camera and she has done drama in her GCSE's, which is a big benifit because she already knows how acting and filming works. She will be able to fit in Gabriella's role as she is not shy and has got some experience of acting.

You can see Emma in the video below. We thought that, it might be good to take a short video of our actors, before the actual filming, to make sure that they are right for the role.


David is a teenage boy who is shy and does not talk much. He does not like to socialise with other people. He spends most of his time at home, or with his younger sister. David's role will be played by Natharn Wamala. Natharn is 16 years old and we think he is suitable for the role of David because he is also quite shy.


Michael is also a teenager who is very positive and outgoing. He is really confident and he spends most of his spare time  hanging out with his friends. Michael's role will be played by Ashley Paddick. Ashley is 16 years old. We think he is suitable for the role of Michael because he is a really  positive person, fun to be with, self-confident and he is not shy to act in front of the camera. He also did drama for his GCSE's which also makes him suitable for acting.

You can see Ashley in the video below, where we have taken the first footage of him before the real filming. By doing the short video, we are confident now that Ashley is perfect for the role of Michael. 

Monday 25 January 2016

Planning - Location Planning

Location planning is very important before filming because once we have an idea of the locations that we want to film in, we can go to the locations to see whether those locations are suitable for filming the opening of our film. This post consists of the location of our film opening. We are filming in 2 locations. The picture below shows a part of the town. This is our first location. This is where the 3 friends are going to walk. They are going to find the map near one of the buildings. We chose this location because it is going to be dark at night and there is barely anyone. This would create a sense of danger and fear.

These pictures show Amanda's garage. In the film this is going to be shown as David's work space where he will create the map and the clues for the game. We are going to film his hands making the clues and the map in the garage. We think this location is suitable for David's work space because it is a big space and it already looks quite dark and mysterious when it's dark. We can make it look even scary by emptying the garage and pining some photos of the four friends and mark them with "X" marks to show the audience that they are the people on his list that he wants to kill. We could also  make it look untidy.