Wednesday 27 April 2016

Construction: Sound


we have decided to add non diegetic sound to our opening film. The reason for this is because by adding non diegetic sound (sound that is applied to be present in action) it makes the film be effective by creating a very eerie and suspenseful atmosphere fort the audience.

The page where we got all the sounds was from  Free Sound. This is because we weren't able to download any sounds from anywhere else because if we did that would be copyright.

Here are some screenshots that I took while researching for different types of sounds.

Firstly, as you can see I was searching for a background sound for the whole opening film, as it creates  mood and tension.

Secondly, we were also thinking to add a non diegetic sound at the beginning of the film when the murderer opened the door, to make it more dramatically.

After deciding what sounds would sound good for our opening film, we downloaded it and we uploaded it into Premiere Pro.

On the picture above you can see that we added a simultaneous sound when the title shows up. We got this idea from the opening film of Sev7en.

Here are some examples of the sounds that we have chose at the end.

This is the sound that we chose for when the titles appear.

 This is a score sound, where its been used through out the opening film.

Monday 25 April 2016

Construction: Titles

In the video above, you can see rough edit of our film opening. We took some of the raw footage, that we have already filmed and put it together, to create a rough idea of how our film opening would look like. This helps us to see if we are missing something and if we need to film any scenes again. For example, we do need to film the very first scene again, as it is quite blurry.
This video is one minute long, so that tells us that we also need to think about, what we will do to make it longer. We could either put in some more footage that we have already filmed. We could also do more filming or add titles in separate shots.