Monday 12 October 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Describe the set brief for the Preliminary Task. What was it that you were asked to create?Use the correct media specific vocabulary and show that you understand the meaning of  these terms.

We were asked to film and to edit a character opening the door,crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite to another character, where they exchange a couple of lines of dialogue. It needed to demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

Explain everything that you did leading up to the point when you started filming (pre-production). Discuss how this process helped to prepare you for filming.

The first thing we did was to look at different types of camera shots, camera movement, the 180 degree rule and  camera angles before I started to plan and film the scene, as we needed to know how to record and not only use one type of angle for the scene because that would make it boring for the viewer. After we've learnt all of that me and my group decided to practice it with a camera so we can have an idea how to do it.
Next we wrote a short scenario  for our scene in a piece of paper and the we post it it on our blogs. where a teenager named Henry (16) opens the door to the food tech room, walks in and sits opposite Rob (11) and then steals his carton of milk. The theft of the milk is discussed through two lines of dialogue.' After that we created a story board divided into 12 where we need to draw what it was going to appear into the scene and the different types of camera shots, movements and angles we were gonna use, as well including the 180 degree rule, then we did it more neater in a 12 piece of papers where we needed to draw what it was going to appear in the scene, what type of angle we were going to use and the character that was going to appear in that shot. To make it even more presentable so we can post it in our blogs we presented it in a PowerPoint called 'SlideShare.'

After we finished doing all of that we started taking pictures of the locations where we were going to film. The types of shots that we used were establishing shot and long shot. All of this helped us on how we needed to film it, where we needed to film it and what each character needed to say or do. Then we needed to plan the Mise-En-Scene casting, which includes the actors that we needed, their photographs, their hobbies and we also needed to explain why they were suitable for our scene.

After planning all of that, we decided to get a video from some last year's students and we practiced how to edit those shots, how to cut the video, how to add music, how to fade the music that its at the background and how hot to put all of those videos together so it looks more interesting. For this we have used 'Adobe Premier Pro'

Finally we did a film schedule where needed to plan where we were going to film the scene, the characters that we needed, the location, the equipment and the clothes that they needed to wear.

Describe the filming process itself (production). How did this go?

I think the filming process went quite well since we included what we were meant to include. However we needed to film one shot more than once since we needed to use different angles instead of using only one angle for the whole scene. it was also quite fun filming and i have enjoyed it a lot.

Explain the editing stage for your preliminary task (post-production). This should include how you applied new skills you haven't learnt.

I think the editing went well I has so much fun, specially experimenting things that no one taught me like for example adding another page where we could write anything that we want it but I wrote the names of the characters, who filmed it and edited it as well, I have also added different types of video effects and  a new way to fade in the music and make the characters voice louder.

However we didn't realize that we were filming it in  landscape and portrait and it didn't look that good when I was trying to put the scenes together.  

Evaluate your finished Preliminary Task. How well does it meet the expectations of your set brief? Which parts of it do you think are particularly strong? where are there weaknesses? What can you identify as being an area for development when it comes to producing your Main Task?

I think that the finish Preliminary Task went well we have included all the points that we needed to like shot reverse shot, 180 degree rule visa versa. I think the close up shots were the strongest one, specially the close up of the milk because it makes the scene look more intense.

However we had some weaknesses too like for example we forgot to put the pencil case and the notebook on the table, I have also noticed while I was editing it there was a finger on the screen while they were filming it and also we have filmed it in landscape and portrait. Now I know what I don't need to do for my main task.

Preliminary Task video

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Learning To Edit With Adobe Premier Pro

In this lesson i have learned how to use and edit a video with an Adobe Premier Pro, I have also learnt how to add music into the video and fade it in so the video isn't on it's own when they aren't talking and after i fished editing the video i learnt how to export it.